Monday, April 21, 2008


So, today I had my last exam of the semester...oh wait, I mean ever! That's right, walking out of the 3-hour jap exam today marked the end of all undergrad-related school work :D. Chilled out the rest of the day--had a caf dinner with my JAPN 300 peeps, then went home for a bit, sold my textbooks at school (for a grand total of $36...), went and got an ISIC card made, printed out e-tickets and hostel bookings, and then hung out with Takashi and Matthew at the lake, throwing rocks and stuff over a beer. A good day :).

Tonight I'm probably going to meet up with Tim and Geoff at McDonalds, get some healthy food, and then pack up the house.

Mexico eta 1 day!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Next stop (sort of): Japan!

I got into JET!!! Woohoo shortlisted out of Ottawa :D.

Definitely pretty excited about it--especially with the incredibly busy stretch I'm having at the moment, this is good news.

The one down side is that it's all pretty last-minute. I have a ton of paperwork to do, passport photos to take, a physician's certificate of health, police record check and a couple of other forms to get out, all within the next couple of weeks. The big problem for me is booking a physical, which I am technically unable to do cuz there are no openings until well after the point at which the Japanese Embassy needs to receive my still trying to figure out how to get one...

Had my Japanese oral exam today which went better than expected. I had a rush study session with Freda last night (after scouring every seat in Stauffer to try and find Miso...) going over dialogues and terms we could potentially be asked to define, but today I walked in and kicked its butt.

I'm going to have a nap now, then start studying for my Latin American Politics exam--then group study tonight, then more study all day tomorrow and then night exam...and THEN, I will have to start Essay, who I've named because it's just so daunting...8000 words and the research to back it up in 4 days.

Good thing it's only worth 80% of my mark. Oh wait, never mind, I was right. Definitely time to start freaking out.