Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Pie. Does anyone else get that warm, cozy feeling when the subject of pie comes up? Well, I used to as well. But today I lost it and snapped at my most recent creation for its inability to be perfect.

So for the last month or so, my housemate Geoff and I have been in what could veritably be called a pie-baking frenzy. We bake, on average, two pies a week, most of which come out delicious. Before and during Reading Week Geoff and I baked a lot of bacon pies (credit for the recipe goes to Alicia), ensuring that we die at approximately age 30 from clogged arteries, but let no one tell you that it isn't worth it when you bite down into a slice of bacon-doughy heaven. Aside from that, we usually bake apple pie, which has always been a bit of a bugger to get off the ground. The proportions in the recipe we use are somewhat off, so it sometimes ends up super watery(probably a result of the water in the apples), which we've adapted to by adding less milk.

However, beginning this Saturday, I started baking strawberry pie. Not tart, but actually baked strawberries in what is otherwise an apple pie recipe. Granted, it's a little more difficult to get that striking strawberry flavour that we all know and love, but Saturday's pie was pretty close to perfect. Even Geoff gave it an approving nod, and he has a sugar aversion! But tonight I tried to bake another one, which double failed. If I'd been baking it solely for myself, I wouldn't have minded, but my new neighbour Ashley came over especially to try some of this new type of pie, only for me to accidentally botch it. Having changed nothing from the recipe I used this past Saturday, it somehow became watery, effectively turning it into strawberry crumble instead of pie (per Ashley's verbal save). I was disappointed, but it still came out tasting pretty good.

This pic is just too hilarious not to include:
Me cutting a successful pie:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hello all.

This is my first post on this blog and hopefully far from the last. Unlike a social issues or news-related blog, although it may of course touch on issues of interest, my blog will likely focus primarily on events within my own life (not at nauseum, I hope) and a chance to reflect on awesome/infuriating/crazy things that go on around me. I'm writing it so I can sort of look back later and be like "ooh, i forgot about totally rocked!/sucked!", plus it gives me a chance to document things I find amusing but then inevitably forget.

So, first thing I found pretty good--> this MAD tv music video parodying Rihanna's 'Umbrella' song...not poop-in-your-pants funny, but I definitely had a respectable chuckle:

What else...right! I have mono, which hit me right after Reading Week, and couldn't have really come at a less ideal time. What with interviews and papers coming up, being stuck at home for over a week so far with little speaking ability is a bit of a roadblock. Thank you Advil!