Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hello all.

This is my first post on this blog and hopefully far from the last. Unlike a social issues or news-related blog, although it may of course touch on issues of interest, my blog will likely focus primarily on events within my own life (not at nauseum, I hope) and a chance to reflect on awesome/infuriating/crazy things that go on around me. I'm writing it so I can sort of look back later and be like "ooh, i forgot about that...it totally rocked!/sucked!", plus it gives me a chance to document things I find amusing but then inevitably forget.

So, first thing I found pretty good--> this MAD tv music video parodying Rihanna's 'Umbrella' song...not poop-in-your-pants funny, but I definitely had a respectable chuckle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Xb3bDwE9jQ

What else...right! I have mono, which hit me right after Reading Week, and couldn't have really come at a less ideal time. What with interviews and papers coming up, being stuck at home for over a week so far with little speaking ability is a bit of a roadblock. Thank you Advil!

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