Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Business Trip

Big news! Not new news, but good news nonetheless. My Board of Education is in the planning stages of building a new combined elementary / junior high school in Kaga, and they're thinking of modeling it after a private school in Massachusetts that the Mayor of Kaga went and visited once back in 1995.

So a couple of months ago, they asked me to do some research into the school and translate the English information pamphlets they received, plus get in contact with the school on the BOE's behalf. A couple of weeks later they decided they would make a trip there to visit, and half jokingly asked me if I could go to help them out. The following week, the section chief asked me seriously if I would accompany the Superintendent of Schools and himself on what I like to call a 'fact-finding mission' to visit the school in the second week of April. I accepted, so it looks like I'm going on a business trip to Boston as an interpreter!

And who says elementary school teachers can't move up in the world...

My main job will be facilitating basic travel stuff in English for my higher-ups, who speak and understand little to no English. So I’ll handle hotel check-ins, restaurant reservations, transport, all tourist stuff, and the obvious—translating during a tour I organized of the school. We’ll spend a day and a half in Boston and then another day or so in New York City, sightseeing. So a five day trip in total—3 days on the East Coast and 2 days on the plane…which is pretty short considering how far we’re going, but these guys have a tighter schedule than I do.

The best part is that I will get to see my family (minus Lukas) for a few hours of ‘free time’ in NYC! So as long as I pack my bosses onto a Japanese bus tour (at their request, amusingly), it’ll be smooth sailing.

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